Title I Family Math Night
Join us for the annual PCPS Title I Family Math Night on Thursday, October 10th from 6-7:30 p.m.
Fall Break October 14-18
No School due to Fall Break 10/14 - 10/18.
Student Holiday – Professional Learning Day
Schools will be closed on Monday, October 21st as a student holiday and teacher workday.
Pre-K Visits the Fire Station
Pre-K is going to visits the Fire station on a Field Trip. Group A will be going on 10/22/24 and Group B will be going on 10/24/24.
PCPS & Pre-K Fall Picture Retakes
On Wednesday, October 23rd Pike Co. Primary & Pre-K will have fall picture retakes taken.
Pre-K Visits the Fire Station
Pre-K is going to visits the Fire station on a Field Trip. Group A will be going on 10/22/24 and Group B will be going on 10/24/24.
Fun Run November 1st
The Fun Run is a PTO sponsored event that will take place during the school day on November 1st. Students will raise money through sponsors and go to the football field to participate.
Student Holiday – Professional Learning Day
Tuesday, November 5th is a Professional Learning Day - Student Holiday.
Thanksgiving Holiday Break
Pike County Schools will be closed the week of 11/25 - 11/29 in observance of Thanksgiving.
Student Early Release
Students will be released at half-day on Friday, December 20th for Christmas Break
Christmas Break
Pike County Schools will be closed for Christmas Break from December 23rd - January 1st.
Student Holiday – Professional Learning Day
January 2nd and 3rd will be treated as student holidays and teacher workdays. Students will return to class on Monday, January 6th.